Until U Love U
Nicole Scherzinger - Until You Love You
Take a look in the mirror You're beautiful
Take a moment to love
The one you are Learn to accept yourself '
Cause this the truth Can't love nobody else Until you love you
I know sometime its so hard to keep Up your self esteem
Sometime you can feel so small
And it's so easy to tell yourself
You're not worth much at all
When you aren't sure of who you are
Now it's tearing you apart You can't see what is true Change your point of view
Take a look in the mirror You're beautiful
Take a moment to love
The one you are Learn to accept yourself '
Cause this the truth Can't love nobody else Until you love you
I know sometime its so hard to keep Up your self esteem
Sometime you can feel so small
And it's so easy to tell yourself
You're not worth much at all
When you aren't sure of who you are
Now it's tearing you apart You can't see what is true Change your point of view
Postat av: Emma Gynning
Ok! Ha en bra dag! Kram
Postat av: Rebecka
Nicole är så bra tycker jag :)
Postat av: Maria
ja men visst är det gott=)
fin blogg btw..
kul att du kikade in..
Postat av: Maria
vad ska du göra idag då?
Postat av: Maria
Jag sitter och kollar bloggar..=)
kram på dig fina du
Postat av: Emma
Sv; skojj :)
Postat av: s
fin blogg:)
Postat av: Maggie Curie
I see...
Av chris?:P
Postat av: s
hihi tackar!vad är din största rädsla?
Postat av: Maria
Tack så mycket..